Day 66 - 12/07/22 - Hadspen, Australia

 We had a nice sleep at Lana & Lindsay's although when we woke up it was 16ºC or about 60ºF.  It was tough to get out of bed.  We enjoyed a nice breakfast before heading off for the day's adventure.

We first drove through Westbury and saw some sights, and ended up at the 41ºSouth Restaurant and Bakery and Salmon farm.  We had a delightful lunch of Atlantic salmon sandwiches and a lot of terrific conversation.  We toured the facility and watched the salmon in the pens and other items around the facility.

From there we made our way to the Ashgrove Cheese plant where Angela and I bought a package of cheese ends.  From there we made our way to the Raspberry Farm where I had my first Australian Milkshake.  It's not like an American milkshake:  it's much thinner and can easily be drank or sucked through a straw.  It was actually quite good.  Across the street was an ice cream shop which the other three indulged in.  I chose not to eat one in order to keep my sugar intake down.

Getting a Deere Fix

Native Hen & chick

Wild Turkey

Tassie Pickers

Faux Teapot

After driving back to the house we had a nice little spaghetti dinner garnished with some of our cheese before heading out to Westbury for a small concert by a local choir.  Afterwards, I enjoyed chatting with locals.  Invariably, they turned the conversation to American politics which made for some lively and interesting conversation.

Back at home we spent a quiet evening watching and listening to Handel's Messsiah broadcast from the Sydney Opera House.  I figured out how to retrieve some missing photos from my Nikon camera (the SD card had 10,000 photos on it and most of the ones I took today were not viewable with the software.  So I used my SD card reader cable that hooks up to my iPhone and retrieved them.  I was then able to do a Facebook post with selected pictures.

The rest of the evening was spent in a lively discussion comparing pronunciation differences between our two countries.  Great fun was had by all.

I finished up my blog and posted it.  We have an interesting day planned for tomorrow..



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