Day 14 - 10/15-16/22 - At Sea to Samoa - Day 4
It's a weird concept: in a 24 hour period we enjoyed 48 hours! It's one of the most unique features of crossing the Pacific Ocean. In roughly the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is an imaginary line that roughly stretches from the North to South Pole. It's used as the point that each day's time starts. For us we crossed that line at midnight last night (Friday) and we had to skip Saturday, 10/15/22 and roll over to Sunday, 10/16/22 as that day had already started when we reached the date line.
The interdenominational service was full today. It was so full that another room was opened for our use. Linda was also able to put the song words on the screen which helped. Pastor Dan preached on Missions from Acts 8. During the preaching he was interrupted many times by announcements related to a major crew drill. At one point the Captain announced 'This is a drill and no actions are required by our guests.' Dan immediately responded. 'This is a real sermon. It's not a test and requires action.' It brought a hearty laugh!
Rachael gave a presentation on our upcoming Apia port and for the first time in many cruises, she announced it would be available on our stateroom TV's in a day or so. It was later in the day.
During the lunch Voice from the Bridge, the Captain announced that mask wearing was optional now for the crew as a fleet wide change. We observed him several times throughout the day with no mask on and grinning from ear to ear. At one point he said, "It's been 3 years!"
After lunch we walked the deck and kept up with the Seattle Mariners / Houston playoff game. It went 18 innings and Houston won on a solo hone run that went unanswered by Seattle.
In the afternoon we booked a major cruise for next year. That's all I'll say for now, but it's a very long one. Our friends are doing the same tomorrow.
The evening Main Stage entertainment was the Step One Dance Company performing Musicology. We wrapped up our evening listening to the pianists in Billboard Onboard do all requests. A couple of my suggestions were played.
We have one more sea day this leg.
VERY interesting about the masks. We follow Don's Family Vacation on YouTube and he was just boarding the Rotterdam in Rotterdam (around Oct 15) for a trans Atlantic cruise. They are requiring masks ON the ship on his cruise because of what previous guests say is a Norovirus outbreak on the ship on the previous cruise. Mask wearing "may" only be for 7 days of his 15 day cruise.